My piece of writing doesn't aims at
just adding my content in magazine,It is being sent with the sole aim of
adding life,hope and a source
of happiness in the lives of those hopeless,sad and gloomy faces out there.Today criticizing artificial people ,or crying over hardships of life
evolved as our 'Social hobby'.
According to Me
today we are misguided,internally sad and forced to showoff that we are
cool and happy souls because we run
after unreal things.Today we score good grades to show them off to our mates and family,we wanted to become a professional and learn skills
to earn a handsome livelihood tomorrow.We run after worldly affections,attractions,precisely 'our loved'. we try to get unreal,temporary happiness from unreal means.
However,We must realize that that there is a
Single Being Who is Sole and supreme and so is His love.His love for
creation is
beyond imagination and measure.His love is permanent,everlasting and real.He loves you,blesses you,plans best for you and waits for you
to turn towards Him.So,we must not consider ourselves unloved and unprotected because He is always there for you.
However we people being engaged in worldly loves often neglect to strengthen our relationship with the our Cherisher.
forget to pray and give a small fraction of our time to the Creator of
times.We only seek His help when we are troubled,this is in fact
very shameful that only our needs compel us to think and reconnect with our Nourish-er.
active,healthy and productive members of society we must change our
attitude towards life.We must realize the countless
blessings of ALLAH S.W.T,Thank Him,aim at keep our spirits high and place our hopes and believes in The BEST Planner.No love can be
compared with His love for He is the Creator of emotions.
By Maimoona Yaqub
D.P.T, 6th Semester
The University of Faisalabad
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